Russel Quadros
Deep experience in Design, specializing in Product, Brand, and leading cross-functional collaboration on distributed teams.
I was most recently a Design Lead at Cisco, working on the CX Cloud platform.
Creating hyper-personalized experiences for users.
Led the ideation, strategy, and design for a proof-of-concept that transforms the dashboard experience using AI/ML.
*available during in-person interview
Helping network engineers solve problems.
Designed an interface for an AI-powered workbook concept, and supported UX/Development.
*available during in-person interview
Communicate “leveling up” in playful concepts.
Led the design and strategy of branding an internal UX research conference.
*available during in-person interview
I was the third design hire at a series-A startup, iterating on its brand and product features to find product-market fit.
Making composition a delightful experience.
Led and collaborated on initiatives to improve the functional experience of our document editor.
Retaining users through a seamless experience.
Led and collaborated on initiatives to transform the Growth and Brand experience to increase retention.