©2024- Ø. Russel Quadros

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©2024- Ø. Russel Quadros

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Editor Redesign

Almanac ↗ was a series-A startup, building a modern document editor with features designed to support asynchronous work and decision-making.

I spent the last half of my tenure iterating on and improving the document editing experience. These changes ranged from small feature additions to full interface restructuring.

The impact

These additions and changes met and exceeded user expectations when comparing our Editor capabilities to other word processors.

(Case studies available on request)

Chrome v1

This redesign ↗ simplified the original nav to avoid cognitive overload, and focus more on document editing. I collaborated with our design team and led the rebuild of the chrome and redesign of the Insert menu.

Responsive designs

Collaboration happens anywhere, so a mobile experience for editing ↗, commenting ↗, and document reviews was critical.

Activity feed

As we added features, we also supported transparency via the doc history/activity feed.

Chrome v2

Our goal was to help users benefit from our document workflows and decision-making protocol. I collaborated with our design team to simplify the chrome further and led its rebuild. I also led the Format menu redesign, along with improving inline contextual editing ↗.

Progressive web app (PWA)

An out-of-browser ↗ experience.

Inline editing

Power users need controls within reach so we continuously improved contextual formatting and inserting content ↗.

New Editor features

Working on the Editor team meant balancing improvements to existing features, and adding new features to improve how our users get work done.

These are a few features I created in collaboration with my PM and engineering.


Efficiency begins with good time-management, so we designed, built, and shipped ↗ a solution during a two-week hackthon.

In-doc voting

A clear way to make team decisions was our Vote lists ↗.


Readability needs order and structure, so we helped break up content ↗ with style.

Template Picker

Helping users start quickly and easily was important to our product, so we tested the value of surfacing templates ↗ from our external Community Library right from the doc experience.

Doc/Folder templates*

Helping users create their own templates for docs or folders.

Smart Tables*

Giving users a choice between basic tables and full databases.

Inline TOC*

Allowing users to add a table-of-contents (TOC) in a doc.

Full bleed doc*

Supporting users who work on large screens.

*Handed off, but not currently in production